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Besuchen Sie auch die Seiten zu jüdischen Führungen in Berlin...

Jewish Community Center

Fasanenstrasse 79 / 80, Charlottenburg;
Public Transport: U 15 or U 9 to Kurfürstendamm, S-Bahn Zoologischer Garten
Tel: 0049 30 - 880 28 - 0

The Community Centre of the Jewish Community of Berlin was inaugurated in 1959.
The Jewish "Volkshochschule" (JVHS), an institution dedicated to adult education, is on the premises. It organizes lectures, presentation of book releases, workshops, language courses (Hebrew, Yiddish, German for Immigrants), as well as a range of cultural activities, such as the Jewish Film Festival once a year in June. Three program leaflets are published each year. The JVHS is a fixture in Berlin’s cultural life.

The Library of the Jewish Community is located within the Community Center. Not only is there a vast collection of books and media of Jewish interest available, but also a wide range of German language, as well as international, Jewish Newspapers and Magazines. People residing in Berlin may borrow books to take home, everyone else can study material on the premises. The library has a side branch on Oranienburger Strasse.

The kosher restaurant Arche Noah is located on the first floor. They serve also meat dishes. On Tuesday evenings, they offer a several course buffet for a fixed prize. The meat served originates from a biological farm in Brandenburg. An Internet cafe is located in the lobby.

On the right side of the courtyard a memorial wall has been erected with the names of all the concentration camps and ghettos, into which more than 58.000 Jews from Berlin were deported. Memorial services are being held in that courtyard. And for some years now, a 3 m tall Chanukia is being illuminated during nights. The courtyard spots a sculpture showing a Torah scroll, on which a verse from the 4th book of Moses is engraved.

"One Law and one ordinance shall be both for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you"
(Numbers XV,16)

A memorial plaque remembers Recha Freier, the founder of the Youth Aliyah Mouvement in 1933. She saved more than 7.000 Jewish children from Nazi Germany.

Formerly, Fasanenstr. 79 was the location of a magnificent synagogue in the moorish style. The synagogue had been inaugurated in 1912. The Jewish population of Charlottenburg had grown between 1885 and 1910 from 4.678 to 22.580. It had become fashionable to move to the "New West" at the turn of the century...

When Rabbi Leo Baeck came to Berlin in 1912, he used to officiate in this same synagogue. The synagogue became a victim of arson and destruction during the Pogrom of 9th November 1938 (Kristallnacht). The ruins were blown up in the 1950s.

Fasanenstraße 1912

Innenraum der Synagoge

Innenraum der Synagoge nach der Zerstörung

After 1945, most of the surviving Jews wanted to leave Germany as quickly as possible. Jewish Communities were thus seen as "temporary communities". During the first years following the liberation, a number of Jews came from Eastern Europe, following continuing progroms in their home towns. Most of them only passed through Germany and left it later on. But some stayed and together with surviving Jews, who had lived in Germany prior to Nazi period, started to hold religious services, built up a Kindergarten, and constructed social, cultural and educational institutions.
After the break down of the wall, a magnitude of Jews arrived from the states of the former Soviet Union. They now form the majority of the 13.000 member counting Jewish community. (december 2002) 16-12-02

Events in Berlin
Synagogues and Services
Important Addresses in Berlin
Kosher in Berlin
Berlin Rabbis
Jewish Groups in Berlin
Guided Tours about Jewish Life and History
Jewish Women's Activities
Searching for Your Berlin Roots?
Historical Background
The Jewish Museum of Berlin
Memorials in Berlin

German Content


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